Sunday, June 03, 2012
In the Summer of 2012, I'm back to this little space of mine. A piece of the virtual reality world which I can claim as mine. I have actually planned to start blogging again since last Summer, but I guess procrastination can hit anyone. Its quite a pleasant surprise that I can still access to this website. The email address that I registered this blog for was hacked earlier, and I have no control over it anymore. Nonetheless, I'm still glad.
I am here to share a story of a close friend of mine....
She has been in this relationship for quite a while. Not her first boyfriend, but she definitely wants him to be his last. All has been well, oter than little spats once in a while and I have to admit he and she were the loveliest couple I have seen. Sending snacks to lectures, hand-made birthday cards, sacrificing his personal time for her, etc. She was his world. But lately, Mr and Mrs Perfect Couple broke up over another one of their little conflict raised by her. Not much details were given, but it was a trivial matter according to her. He was determined about this decision no mater how she begged, cried or plead. It turns out that he has been tolerating her inconsistent temper and her stubborn personality, along with new faults he find in her. She was devastated, turns out that he is her world too, and her bestfriend. But there was no way she can salvage this mess...
Love is marvelous, wonderful, amazing.
Loving is best feeling ever.
Loved marks the end of a new beginning.
Cheer up my dear. Its not the end.
now you notice i talk a lot!